Thanks for your precious support
Over 80 people came to the show and that was outstanding!
Here's the concert setlist:
I was born (orginal)
Come Back Baby (Ray Charles)
Alone (original)
Going to Tacoma (original)
Turn off the Light before you go (original)
Let me love you tonight (original)
I just can't get it (original - new single)
Back to life (original)
Fresh of the boat Blues (original)
John the Revelator (traditional)
Oh Mama! (original)
Shadows in the rain (Sting)
Latest DeLucaBlues showcase was amazing!
I am still feeling thrilled about that and I am so excited to share with you all my enthusiasm.
The whole concert was top-class professionally recorded, including two different audio recording control rooms, the first for the live room and the other one to get every single note into the recording machine which was a beautiful MCI JH528 console and a fantastic analog tape recorder MCI JH16 from back in the 70s. If you are interested in the studio equipment go check the Studio Miriam Link.
Here you can watch to the video teaser to get how the full show will both looks and sounds like.
From May, 1st at 6pm UTC+1 you will get your download link straight to your mail box. Thanks again from the bottom of my heart.